SPIRIT EXPERT - Alliance subtile du rhum, des fruits et des épices


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Français Podívejte se na 29 produktů

Ti’Bio Les Arrangés punches, is the fascinating story of Marie-Irène Célérine, a generous Mauritian renowned for her sunblessed cuisine heightened with spices and exotic fruit. Her dishes, were often the making of joyful family gatherings, standing witness to her passion for authentic flavours. Macerated rum was one of her quintessential kitchen treasures, the precious heritage that she passed down to her grandson, Xavier Ricci. Xavier, a true master artisan, brilliantly combines family know-how while applying an uncompromising firm hand when selecting raw materials. At Ti ’Bio, every fruit, carefully chosen for its organic and eating quality, is transformed into a rich, pure essence, thanks to supervised maceration that amplifies their aromas. The result? Not only are they 100% organic macerated rums, but they are infused with a genuine spirit of terroir. The company's total commitment to craftsmanship sets it apart: no machines, no subcontracting, just Xavier's expert hands ensure that every bottle is perfect, from the moment the ingredients arrive through to bottling. This commitment is also borne out byn sustainable development, with raw materials only sourced from organic farming and fair trade. Since Ti ’Bio was bought out in 2024 it is Jean Yves Etevenard who has taken over the reins with all his expertise as a cellar master in the world of Cognac.


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31 rue de la bonne chauffe

16370 Val De Cognac - Francie

Číslo DPH

Informace o společnosti

Klíčové ukazatele

  • Počet zaměstnanců
    11 – 50


  • Rok založení
  • Typ společnosti
    Sídlo společnosti – Mateřská společnost
  • Hlavní činnost

Obchodní informace

Spádové oblasti zákazníků

  • Check Circle Outline icon Mezinárodní

Zóny dodání

Činnosti společnosti SPIRIT EXPERT

  • Alkohol a lihoviny
  • Aperitivy alkoholické
  • Nápoje - import-export
  • Podnikové dárky
  • Nápoje
  • cognac
  • article for restaurants
  • supplies for the beverage industry
  • alcohol for the beverage industry
  • alcoholic beverages