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Macos design - Česká Republika

Česká republika

    Česká republika

    AirDIV specializes in HVAC air distribution systems for railway vehicles & other transportation means and provides lightweight interior textile air ducts and durable exterior fabric expansion joints. With over 30 years of expertise, we are one of the world's leading companies in the field of HVAC textile (fabric) air ducts for railway vehicles & other transportation means. Our textile ducting systems have been implemented in various types of vehicles all over the world, and their reliability has been demonstrated by years of trouble-free operation in a variety of demanding conditions. Many major transportation manufacturers use our fabric air ducts to make their vehicle air distribution systems more efficient and lightweight. We form long-term relationships with our customers, which allows us to collaborate on the development of even more complex air ducting systems. Our team consists of HVAC specialists and mechanical engineers specializing in air duct systems & tailored airflow design. They are ready to create custom-made solutions for you. Problems we solve: ➀ Heavy vehicle (too heavy air duct system) ➁ Slow and thus expensive installation of air ducts ➂ Poor and uneven air distribution in saloons and cabins ➃ High cost of complicated air duct shapes ➄ Lack of space for air ducts in the vehicle


    Česká republika

    Svatba v Praze, svatební květiny a svatební dekorace jsou naší vášní. Společnost Beth’s Deluxe Flowers začala svou činnost s touhou učinit svatbu a společenské události zcela výjimečnými. Naše vášeň pro svatební design sahá hluboko do každého detailu; od nádherné výzdoby až po dokonalé květiny a přepečlivou koordinaci svatebního dne. Naši pražští návrháři luxusních květin zajistí, aby vaše svatba byla dokonalá a odrážela váš styl, vizi a osobnost. Ať už se jedná o elegantní romantickou svatbu v Praze nebo opulentní luxusní svatbu kdekoliv v České republice, budeme s vámi úzce spolupracovat, abychom vás ujistili, že vy a váš partner budete mít nejšťastnější den v životě a vaši hosté budou naprosto ohromení. Naším cílem je překonat vaše očekávání. Kontaktujte nás ještě dnes, tak abychom mohli začít navrhovat i vaši svatbu. Wedding in Prague Our clients know us the best for our Wedding Designs and Wedding Planning Services. We do our best to transform clients' dreams and imaginations into unique, completely bespoke one-of-a-kind designs that wow the wedding guests away. And that is exactly what we love to do. We love to hear clients´ visions and dreams and help to kindly guide with our experience that we gathered from numerous events. Our wedding planners and coordinators will be available to you 24 hours a day to make sure that everything is being taken care of. Creating for you a perfect Prague wedding by transforming your dreams into reality is our passion