... Germany, Austria, France, Poland, Hungary and many others.Ultimate customer approach Our assortment includes a broad range of glove and garment leather: lambskin, kidskin, goatskin, and calfskin; doeskin from doe, deer, fallow-deer and mouflon; and hides used for technical, musical, book-binding and upholstery purposes.We satisfy even the most particular customer requirerequirements as we provide custom manufacturing and dying of hides according to supplied samples and additional treatment of finished hides. Mailing products to customers in the Czech Republic and abroad is commonplace.
Česká republika, Moravska Trebova
...TONER is a Czech manufacturer of quality all-stainless steel cutlery, cutlery accessories and serving gastro utensils with a tradition dating back to 1883. We produce: - cutlery as separate parts and complete sets - children's cutlery - tourist cutlery - cutlery with a unique handle (with a handle of real deer privileges , porcelain handles - in conjunction with THUN porcelain, wooden handles or...
Česká republika, Praha 3
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