Česká republika, Uherský Brod
Our company was established and started its trade activities in the year 2002 as an importer and seller of a complete range of packaging material. In 2003, we extended our offer by surface finish of metals, machining and metalwork. In last two years, especially in the area of finishing, machining and metalwork, we have made big progress regarding improving the quality, inspection and technological equipment. Currently, we are able to offer the quality and good work for reasonable prices including transport even for foreign clients.
Česká republika, Pardubice
Sopack s.r.o. is a European company based in the Czech Republic. Team Sopack comprises specialists from different fields such as logistics, packaging and materials engineering, as well as marketing. Our product save your incomes for your transport. Our main products are slip sheets, paper pallet and anti slip papers, grip sheets. Slip Sheets can be used instead of classic wooden pallets, or as...
Foresco navrhuje a vyrábí průmyslové obaly pro výrobní společnosti a jejich dodavatele. Kromě toho nabízíme obalová řešení na míru pro specifické projekty. Balením a ochranou vašich cenných produktů, zboží nebo materiálů zajišťujeme, že jsou připraveny na bezpečný transport po moři, vzduchem nebo po silnici. Naši inženýři navrhují obaly, které maximálně snižují celkové náklady na vlastnictví...

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