Česká republika, Praha 1
...Firma AJP Tax & Accounting s.r.o. nabízí daňové poradenství a účetní služby pro malé a střední podniky, stejně jako pro jednotlivce. Naši zaměstnanci a partneři mají dlouholeté zkušenosti v oblasti daňového poradenství, právního poradenství a poradenství pro firmy, které získali v mezinárodně působících společnostech se specializací na poradenství německy mluvícím klientům v České republice. Náš...
Česká republika, Brno
We are accounting and tax consultancy company established in the market since 1990. To our clients belong different companies and individuals with large variety of lines of business. Among them you can find large international companies often listed in the stock market as well as small entities. This requires professional and reliable approach which we can also offer to you. Commonly we...
Česká republika, Plzeň
... have been your partner of the tax, accounting, auditing and consulting services market. BDO Finkonsult operates far beyond the borders of Pilsen and western Bohemia. With global experience, an individual approach and the ability to consider the big picture, our team of experts will satisfy your needs.
Česká republika, Praha
ADMIO is accounting, bookkeeping, tax service and audit provider in central Europe, mainly in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia. ADMIO’s accounting and administration services cater to most industries. Trading companies with lots of cross-border movement of goods to and from the Czech Republic are ADMIO’s main specialization.
Česká republika, Usti Nad Labem
...Mediation, sale, installation and service of HW and SW, LAN / WAN / TELCO networks incl. profilaxe and professional consultations. Low-voltage wiring / communication technologies (eg LAN intrusion / fire, CCTV / IPCAM) and administration of telephone exchanges SIEMENS / EADS (MATRA) / Aastra. Training work with computers, creating and processing web pages and presentations, CMS installation, adjustment of output reports and accounting information systems. Intermediation and securing technical, fire and health supervisors, escorts excessive and dangerous to transport and work at height.
Česká republika, Praha 3
Česká republika, Valtice
Česká republika, Praha 3
Česká republika, Plzen
Česká republika, Praha 10
Česká republika, Praha 8-Dolní Chabry

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