Česká republika, Olomouc
...Effetec s.r.o. , - We manufacture and produce UV digial printers. We are Professionals in Digital Print Technology. As producers of UV-cured wide-format Flatbed UV printers, we understand what you need, we know the importance of consistent quality, reliable, robust equipment, faster production, simple operation & long term freedom from maintenance, backed with reasonable price of machine, spares...
Portfolio (1)
Česká republika, Mlada Boleslav
... available, treated with hi-end technology and obviously accompanied with a friendly customer service. Development of new workout elements is always consulted with professional athletes and fitness trainers which gives them the proper competitive edge. Construction-vise, RVL13 parks are very flexible. They vary from big and popular all in one solutions, to special individual projects and we always ensure their maximal stability, durability and usability with minimal need of maintanance. With our unmistakable „lego system“, we can find a perfect solution literally for everybody.
Česká republika, Praha
... working in the field of permanent makeup since 2014. Repair is required at 99 pct. This is because only by healing, minor deficiencies such as gaps or irregularities in shape are shown. WHEN IT WILL NEED IT After healing the skin around applying permanent makeup, the result may sometimes differ from your expectations and some imperfections may occur.
Česká republika, Hradec Králové
The company TEXIM s.r.o. was founded in 1991 as a manufacturer and supplier of industrial seal and gasket materials to suit all market need within Czech Republic. The company is located 100 km east of Prague in town Hradec Králové. After 23 years in the business we know how to meet all customer requirements together to provided high quality and high value sealing products, backed by outstanding customer service and technical support.
Česká republika, Bečváry
...Flower delivery Slovakia within 90 minutesAre you looking for a simple and elegant way to wish someone a birthday or to address someone? Do you need to iron a man or do you just want to make your loved one happy? Sending a flower couldn't be better. Through the online website Kytica expres, you can order the delivery of flowers within and anywhere in the Slovak Republic.Not only flower delivery...
Česká republika, Praha
... travel hubs with an aim to provide easy content management for administrators and real - time data to passengers via audio messages, LCD Displays, LED panels, information booths, mobile telephones, websites and social media networks. The aim of such an integration is to connect the systems where they work in unison without the need for substantial hardware or integration investments. ...
Česká republika, Brno
...Established in June 2014 in Brno, Jobspin.cz is a first job board in the Czech and Slovak Republic fully dedicated to foreigners. Jobspin.cz connects expats living in the Czech and Slovak Republic and people considering relocation with companies that seek to hire people with extraordinary language skills and specific cultural backgrounds. Ideal for English speaking expats coming to Prague, Bratislava, and other Czech and Slovak cities. You don't need to speak Czech or Slovak to get a great job here!
Česká republika, Prague
Kurzor is a small and young web development company established in 2010 by Jan, Marek and Petr. Our philosophy is that small means efficient, flexible, and more effective than big corporations. If you do business with us, you speak directly to the owners and the decision is always just a phone call away. We offer website and application development. Need a hand with web development? At Kurzor, we...
Česká republika, Ústí Nad Labem
Our company offer climbing and outdoor courses and activities in Czech areas like Elbe sandstones, Adrspach atc. We also offer travel and accommodation services. You need just buy a ticket and the rest is on EasyClimbing company.
Česká republika, Tanvald
... and company management believe that business should be based on moral principles and the need to act responsibly. It should consist of business decisions and strategy, as well as values ​​and relationships. We believe the company has been strengthened by its policy of fair play regarding our employees, suppliers, customers, the public and the environment. We have established good business relationships over the years in many countries and in different areas of business.
Česká republika, Prague
... with high resistance to washing.A tee shirt-just to look like different person. My t-shirts suit all with their unique and rare patterns. We always need t-shirts. They are a basic dress. Thus, I offer practical t-shirts and mode.Confortables and timeless, We wear in all situations, for sports, work, evening, with pants or a skirt for a casual look or sexy . They are according to your desires. They can be made of various materials in order to provide softness and warmth.
Česká republika, Frydek Mistek
...Depending on your needs, we can supply skilled individuals as well as entire construction teams for your project. Do you need experienced and educated subcontractors that will take care of your project? Construction Team One s.r.o is here for you. Each subcontractor had been interviewed and his/her references were checked by our in house team. Our database contains bricklayers, electricians...
Česká republika, Nasavrky
... and many others. For everyday wearing as well as for special occasions. Their products will find both ordinary people and these who need a cap for their uniform, like hunters, policemen and fire-fighters. We also sew caps for theatres and we had the pleasure to decorate heads of many succesfull czech actors in czech favorite movies and serials.
Portfolio (1)
Česká republika, Prague 3
...16th International Trade Fair Wine&Delicacies in Prague = the biggest fair in the new EU member countries. Main focus is on wines and delicacies (e.g. cheese, ham, olives etc.). Great opportunity for foreign companies to find a business partner - importer/distributor as our bottom line is to bring the most professionals from gastronomy and business to the Fair. So you do not need to organize very expensive so called "Tastings in hotels", but you can meet all important people including journalists in your stand.
Česká republika, Praha 10
We offer elearning management system that include many teaching modules.The platform is completely free without initial investment.You do not need to buy any license or special hardware.There is no account fees.You only pay for the courses were held up after the exhaustion of credit that you will get when you register. Registration is completely free. we do not want to know payment...
Česká republika, Jesenice
APL COMM LTD APL Comm s. r. o. company is completely specializing in professional video conference solution for companies from commercial and state sphere which prioritize a modern way of communication in online environment. These technologies allow to make virtual meetings of teams and individuals which not only hear but also see and share their data from connected PC, wherever they are. Video conferences allow act „here and now“ without a need of difficult and costly travelling with the elimination of risk and also with a contribution to environmental protection.
Spojené království, London
... příčinou špatné školení a výroba nekvalitního produktu.","It is mandatory to be an accredited nurse to carry out Botox treatments and we feel accreditation is critical to raising standards and trust in the beauty industry. The aesthetics market has been flooded with lesser quality items from the Far East that have caused concern about safety. As a consumer, you need to know that the treatments you are...
Portfolio (4)
Francie, Lyon
Společnost zabývající se poradenstvím v oblasti ochrany osobních údajů se sídlem v Lyonu, Data Need Advice, je tu, aby chránila DNA vaší činnosti a poskytovala vám podporu v oblasti ochrany vašich dat: - Pověřenec pro ochranu osobních údajů - Audit souladu s GDPR - Nástroje pro ochranu osobních údajů - Sledování souladu - Digitální etika...
Česká republika, Valašské Meziříčí
We’re molded pulp producers since 1972. Together our team of experts we should bring to the Customer more than 40 years of experience designing and manufacturing ecological products in packaging protection solutions. We’re offering to our Customers the biggest value from the first sketches of the packaging they need, till the end fiber cushion product to pack carefully the Client’s device. During...
Česká republika, Brno
...Our company VELITAN SRO is situated in Brno, Czech Republic. We are International road transport company with MEGA trucks/trailers 100m3. We are looking for long term cooperation with transport and forwarding companies that have need for more transports capacities to fulfilling their tasks. We also offer only our MEGA trucks EURO6 to transport companies/forwarders who have need of more trucks to...
Portugalsko, Benedita
...A YOU NEED SHOES je společnost, jejímž cílem je distribuce obuvi, převážně střední/vysoké kvality. A YOU NEED SHOES působí na domácím trhu již 37 let, naším hlavním cílem je zpříjemnit váš každodenní život nabídkou různých modelů v velikostech od 17 do 50, v různých barvách a typech kůže, přičemž se snažíme vás potěšit jednoduchostí našich produktů. A You Need Shoes se řídí nejvyššími etickými a morálními hodnotami, a to: poctivost; závazek; excelence; odhodlání; inovace; a ocenění lidí.
Slovensko, Zavazna Poruba
... requirements and needs of customers in various industries. With us, you can get everything you need in one place. The company OPIS Engineering, s.r.o. will provide you with prospective deliveries of goods for continuous industrial production. Choose from quality products for industrial and drive technology. You will find vibration motors, clamping sleeves, couplings, pulleys, gearboxes, electric...
Need Time je specialistou na sdílený čas v regionu Rhône-Alpes. Zajišťujeme outsourcing dovedností jako HR ředitel na částečný úvazek, CFO na částečný úvazek... v Lyonu, Annecy, Grenoblu, Chambéry, Roanne, Saint-Étienne atd.
Spojené království, London
Need For Style je komplexní organizace pro výrobu, tisk a instalaci vinylových reklam. Po mnoho let jsme splnili přesné požadavky řady podniků na reklamy, vinylové potisky, plakáty, design kanceláří a další. Specializujeme se na vinylová řešení a působíme po celé Evropě, kde náš tým věnuje každé zakázce pečlivou pozornost, kterou si zaslouží. Nabízíme služby v den objednání a instalaci na místě a zajišťujeme naši kvalitní práci, která vydrží dlouhá léta.
... tam, kde jsem dnes, bez lidí, kteří mi na mé cestě pomohli. Proto rád navazuji kontakt s lidmi se stejným smýšlením a využívám svou vášeň a to, co umím, abych skutečně udělal rozdíl.","Gipea Easy Fix Optimal Visibility Protection For Gate & Fence":"Gipea Easy Fix Optimální ochrana viditelnosti pro bránu a plot","Gipea owes its origin to the need for privacy and the creation of its own identity...
Portfolio (8)
Bosna a Hercegovina, Sarajevo
... it cost-effective for you, and do you think that you pay more than you receive in return?":"Je to pro vás nákladově efektivní a myslíte si, že platíte více, než dostáváte zpět?","You need someone who has enough knowledge and experience to evaluate the situation as soon as possible, build relationships and establish trust with key people and institutions and quickly and successfully make the...
Francie, Labège
... celkový koncept, je jádrem jejich činnosti, aby mohli poskytovat nové produkty a originální řešení v oblasti separace a souvisejících detekčních systémů. Jak ilustruje zkratka WYN pro What You Need, WynSep naslouchá svým zákazníkům, aby jim poskytla specializované přístroje, které odpovídají jejich potřebám. Pro tento cíl je implementován originální modulární design, který je aplikován na přístroje kapilární elektroforézy, zaměřené na akademické trhy.
Nizozemsko, 's Hertogenbosch
...Xprtise podporuje organizace při vytváření a implementaci úspěšných vzdělávacích strategií. Naši konzultanti to dělají pomocí inovativní metodologie 5 Moments of Need™, která umožňuje zejména učení na pracovišti (komponenta '70' v moderním modelu 70-20-10). Důležitou součástí je nalezení správné rovnováhy mezi formálním a neformálním učením, přičemž stávající vzdělávací kultura a cíle projektu slouží jako výchozí bod. Tímto způsobem se práce, učení a výkon spojují v jeden celek. Více se dozvíte na www.xprtise.nl...
Bulharsko, Sofia
... dispozici zóny pro oslavy. FUNtasy Ring Park má také stálou scénu, která hostí každodenní zábavu pro děti, stejně jako večerní akce pro mladé a dospělé. Je vhodný pro teambuildingové akce a koncerty. Funtasy Parks and Games provozuje restauraci All You Need is Fun, která se nachází hned vedle parku. Restaurace nabízí rodičům dobrý výhled na atrakce a také venkovní posezení. (Sofia Ring Mall, úroveň 0)...
Řecko, Athens
Hledejte ideálního zámečníka, instalatéra, elektrikáře nebo řemeslníka na úkoly, jako je čištění odpadů, dezinfekce a cokoliv jiného, co můžete potřebovat doma nebo v kanceláři.
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