Česká republika, Praque
...“ that highlight and differentiate any company or brand from the rest. PREMIUM MATERIALS: durable PVC fabrics for long-lasting inflatable advertising. Double seams, support points, reliable anchor elements, complete accessories or exchangeable advertising velcro parts is our standard. ACCESSORIES: An important part of course for us is digital printing / or dye-sublimation printing for all your banners and printings, processing of 3D animations and delivery of complete product, including all accessories for operation. No any extra / hidden charges.
Česká republika, Prague
... warehouses with more than 40 000 m².ETA Brand celebrated the 70th anniversary of its foundation in 2013. It continues to be a symbol of the tradition and history of Czech-designed household electric appliances of the best quality and it remains to be the most famous Brand of household appliances in the Czech Republic. ETA, a.s. is the only one company in the Czech Republic that has its own testing laboratory that ensures a high quality of products and a reliable long term use of products. For more information and business offer do not hesitate to contact us!
Česká republika, Praha
BA Group is company specialized in manufacturing, importing and exporting of various products in European Union. Our main feature is long-term business skills between foreign countries, technical knowledge, manufacturing and production experience and qualified management.
Česká republika, Prague
... production is regular collections of French and Belgian brands, including "Medium-Class" clothing category.Every season we can offer your choice of more than 2, 500 mans, womans and kids models. Our prices are democratic, the work conditions are transparent, and the supplies of the goods are regular and reliable.he company Soldex Group is the official distributor of the Belgian company VEGOTEX to Eastern Europe, Middle East and ASIA - clothing for children and adults.We deal with companies who has a retail and wholesale business in retail market in countries as Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaij...
Česká republika, Prague
ZMK Invest is an international Export Trading Company (ETC). Our main focus is bulk trading of agricultural products (rapeseed, wheat, chickpeas, linen etc.) We offer only high quality products and believe in long-term and reliable business relationships and ethical corporate culture. The headquarters is located in Astana, Kazakhstan.
Česká republika, Prague
Allow us to introduce our family company WGT - Wholesale Global Trading s.r.o. to you. The company was established by a father and son called Michálek with the aim at providing high quality and brand-named watches for buyers all over the world. The motive that led us to establish the company is our aptitude for business that one has to be born with and at the same time a passion for watches that...
...Our renowned Business consulting Services will offer your company the benefits of: Various Foreign Development Cooperation’s in chosen Countries of interest. All legal requirements necessary to get your Company started Export & Import opportunities Serve as your representative in chosen Countries Local economic situations in partner Countries Situations surrounding financial / tax systems Labor...
Česká republika, Praha 10
We are a Czech-Tahitian family company specialized in sales of sea pearls a cross Europe. We select every single pearls that are directly harvested from farms located in French Polynesia. This is how we can guarantee you peerless and precious pearls. WHY ARE WE EXCEPTIONAL? A bind between Tahitian and Czech culture was born through marriage of Ms. Kantorova from Czech Republic and with a Tahitian man, Mr. Teaotea. A story of love and their common surname Teaotea provided inspiration for the foundation of Czech-Tahitian family business - TEAOTEA PEARLS.
Česká republika, Brtnice
... of female sanitary napkins in the complete range of present line and the cotton wool programme (mainly menstruation and facial tampons). The company has three brands of sanitary napkins - Micci, Oasis and Carine. In 1995 FIDE enhanced its own production portfolio about private labels and nowadays produces these for more than 100 business partners, not only from the European Union countries. The company exports its products to more than 40 countries around the world.The philosophy of FIDE Company is to offer our customers only the highest-quality products but with...
Česká republika, Jaroměř
Company ODES Ltd. supplies all kinds of technologies for the waste processing from its own design, manufacturing and an assembly to a commissioning and a final testing. We also provide after-sale service. Our company has been in this business since 1993. Through these years of experience, we obtain a dominant position in European market. Waste and materials of various types, shapes and size can...
Česká republika, Praha
...Our company Rewise is a part of IrgaGroup holding with more than ten years of experiences in export/import business activities with EU companies and more than 20 years of successful development in Russian market. Nowadays our company is acknowledged to be stable and credible business partner. Company Rewise takes on oneself delivery, custom services, selling activity and cooperation with the...
Česká republika, Brno
... allows the retail business to have effective environments for the appropriate shopping experience, fully adequate to the social and behavioral evolution of consumers’ demand.Statement of Core Values Quality, Service and Exceed of Expectations at Adequate Prices to maintain customers loyal to us.
Česká republika, prague
... capabilities across all IT Security and business functions, and extensive research on the world's most successful companies, Leo impact collaborates with clients to help them become high-secure businesses and governments. The company Annual Growth is 350% each year.
Česká republika, Olomouc
... history dating back to 1907, no longer be used and the production capacities in the Olomouc plant will be referred to solely as „UNEX a.s. – Olomouc Plant“ in the future. We believe that this change will give a clear signal that all production plants are part of a single concern under a single management and that they mutually cooperate and make thus UNEX a strong and stable business partner.
Česká republika, Ostrava
PRONAJEM-NADRZI.CZ company was founded in early 2012 based on a new concept of business. The aim of the management is offering comprehensive services in the areas of own resources of fuel, by renting aboveground diesel and gasoline tanks. The reason for this progressive method of exploitation of fuel is the fact that we are trying to control the costs of providing for these stocks , mainly due to...
Česká republika, Prague
Oppido is an online tool to help you organize your marketing activities. It brings everyone together into one platform. It helps you rally them around common goals and brainstorm the best ideas. You can then execute them and communicate campaigns, results, and documents back to the company. Our platform is fully compatible with Growth Hacking, ShapeUp, Design Thinking, OKRs, and other modern business methodologies. At the same time, it provides you with the flexibility to build the system around your specific needs.
Česká republika, Roztoky
Purchase of cars throughout the Republic We are a family business with a human but professional approach. Our company has been dealing with liquidation and purchase of vehicles for many years and we are constantly trying to improve the services we offer. We will appreciate and buy your car of any brand and age.Indicative awards It helps you get a better idea of ​​the price of your car. You can...
Česká republika, Praha 4
...Company BELLMARK ASSET MANAGEMENT plc provides asset management and development of various projects in the Czech Republic. I would like to introduce to potential business partners a project "Sokolovská Polyclinic" that we manage in Prague, a capital of the Czech Republic. The development plan in the horizon of 3 years contains a considerable growth of space within new buildings. The buildings...
...ACE Business & Consultancy Limited Company má sídlo v Turecku, jedné z nejdůležitějších zemí na světě v oblasti výroby textilu a oděvů. Turecký textilní a oděvní průmysl hraje významnou roli v mezinárodním obchodu, má schopnost splnit vysoké standardy a může soutěžit na mezinárodních trzích z hlediska vysoké kvality a široké škály produktů. Turecko vyváží nejen hotové oděvy; také vyváží látky do...
Německo, Kirchheim Bei München
Sídlo v Mnichově, Business Language Company podporuje podniky a organizace při implementaci a správě vícejazyčných komunikačních kanálů. Jsme poskytovatel komplexních jazykových řešení na míru, včetně: 1. Interního jazykového školení pro firmy 2. Vícejazyčného překladu 3. Poradenství v oblasti jazykového managementu Naši zákazníci zastupují všechny hlavní průmyslové odvětví a sahají od start-upů po globální korporace, včetně několika společností DAX-30 a Fortune 500. Pracujeme také s organizacemi veřejného sektoru a akademickými institucemi.
Španělsko, Sabadell
... poměry cena/výkon, zároveň poskytujeme logistickou podporu, abychom vyřešili případné procesní obtíže mezi výrobcem (exportérem) a kupujícím (importérem). Služby, které Mediterranean Business Company nabízí, zahrnují snadnou akvizici produktů, ať už se jedná o průmyslové suroviny, spotřební zboží, nástroje, stroje a průmyslové zařízení, produkty z automobilového trhu, stavební materiály, potraviny a nápoje, osobní produkty pro domácnost a širokou škálu dalších produktů.
Spojené království, Darlington
... vysvětlujeme vše, co potřebujete vědět o založení společnosti a provozování vlastního podnikání. Vytváříme snadno pochopitelné dokumenty a účetnictví, a dokonce i jak založit Limited Company v Darlingtonu, County Durham. Hledejte skvělé účetní firmy poblíž mě, s účetními pro dodavatele a online účetnictvím pro společnosti. Účetnictví pro malé podniky v Darlingtonu. Naše služby jsou konkurenceschopné...
...{"Street address: Angelenweg 165 E postal code: 5349 TG Oss":"Ulice: Angelenweg 165 E PSČ: 5349 TG Oss","Due to the successful developments of the Gipea online company, prospects were given for the further growth of a sales unit for the sale of its products to the business market. To this end, an office building with a showroom and storage warehouse was set up at Bruggen 2A in Rosmalen in 2017...
Portfolio (8)
Německo, Brunnthal
Jako dodavatel standardizovaných a individuálních křemíkových waferů vám nabízíme vysoce kvalitní křemíkové produkty.
Francie, Avignon
...This tool allows you to bring a modern new angle to your business. High-definition photographs will add real value to your corporate image bank. Atelier B9 se také specializuje na vytváření firemních portrétů ve vaší firmě. Skutečně, pro prezentaci vaší firmy a personálu (vedení a zaměstnanci) potřebujete kvalitní portréty, abyste získali důvěru vašich klientů.
Itálie, Nova Milanese
A.M. Trasporti & Logistica se zabývá mezinárodními zásilkami do Spojeného království, zejména do Londýna. Specializujeme se na přepravu zboží, a to jak potravin, tak nepotravinářských, při kontrolované teplotě. Tým profesionálů v naší společnosti je schopen nabídnout službu, která přesahuje pouhé zasílání zboží, zaručující přesnost a dochvilnost v plánovaných dodacích lhůtách. Pro každou zásilku j...
KALYSTE je specializovaný dovozce umělých rostlin a květin, stejně jako interiérových a exteriérových dekorativních předmětů pro domácnost.
... další profese. Zajišťujeme vám prostory nebo adresu ve Vídni pro založení společnosti nebo pro práci v Rakousku se společností působící v EU nebo pro otevření bankovního účtu. Pokud chcete: • založit rakouskou společnost • zaregistrovat adresu ve Vídni • mít své záležitosti v bezpečných a profesionálních rukou • požádat o pomoc v právních otázkách, kontaktujte naši kancelář e-mailem a my vám zavoláme zpět. E-mail: business.company.vienna@gmail.com BUSINESS COMPANY VIENNA A-1050 Vídeň, Embelgasse 9-13- / 58. A-1030 Vídeň, Hégergasse 16./1.
Welcome , my name is Michal Dian . We are a family cleaning company for your home, business or other premises. We believe that clean and tidy rooms improve the atmosphere and well-being of everyone. We are here for you to improve the quality of your life by helping you clean up your daily spaces.
Švédsko, Strangnas
...Agent pro Bainco Coffee Company 1932 Biancaffè 'se zrodil v roce 1932 jako malá pražírna pro řemeslníky a během více než půl století se proměnil v moderní průmyslový komplex. V posledních letech, zatímco pečlivý výběr produktu a důkladná péče ve všech fázích zpracování zůstaly konstantní, byly vyvinuty technologicky pokročilé metody pro výběr produktů. Kromě toho se v posledních letech snažili...
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