Česká republika, Benešov
V roce 2015 byla společnost TRW Automotive akvizována globálním dodavatelem automobilů ZF Friedrichshafen AG. ZF TRW je nyní divizí mateřské společnosti, jejíž sídlo se nachází v Livonii, Michigan. ZF TRW je hlavním vývojářem a výrobcem aktivních a pasivních bezpečnostních systémů a obsluhuje všechny hlavní výrobce vozidel po celém světě s etablovanou přítomností, která zahrnuje zařízení ve více...
Česká republika, Ostrava
... of precise machine parts from structural and tool steels, aluminium, non-ferrous metals and hardened plastics. Company specialization is CNC milling on modern machining centers. The production machinery includes both three-axis and five axis machining centres. Engineering of different types of clamping, checking, measuring or bending fixtures. These are used in automotive industry as well as other industrial sectors.
Česká republika, Frydlant Nad Ostravici
... and manufacture special tools for our customers, which include suppliers of automotive, hydraulic, electronics, power, air and space industries and many other clients, with the use of our own know-how for the solutions of individual requirements in the particular as well as series production. Based on the work-piece drawing we are able not only to design and manufacture the new tool, but also to...
Česká republika, Havlickuv Brod
Futaba Czech, spol. s r.o., (FCZ) a producer of automotive parts for body and car suspensions, developer of exhaust system and a provider of painting process. Futaba Czech is a subsidiary of a Japanese company Futaba Industrial Ltd. FCZ company´s motto is to produce quality products at competitive prices.
Česká republika, Zelenec
... suit almost every application (mostly in converting, automotive, recycling, plastics, food processing, textile, packaging industry and glass fibre industry). Our product range includes tailor-made tools designed and manufactured at customer´s specification. Techni Trade's quality management system is certified in accordance with international standard ISO 9001:2000.
...production of tools and moulds for plastics injection, 3D design, development, production of metal and plastic parts. Field: automotive industry 75%, 25% electrical engineering, moulds for plastics injection, stamping shop for plastics and metals. We rank among leading suppliers of automotive industry in the Czech Republic. We deliver plastic and metallic parts for Europe’s leading system suppliers (Tier 1) of the automobile manufacturers. Those are sophisticated, top-quality surface parts, both for front and rear lights, metal/plastic combination, and other technical mouldings and stampings.
Česká republika, Plzen
Polmar's new plant is ready for production in Plzen, Czechia. We are the leading Expanded Polypropylene part producer in Turkey, now we are ready to serve our clients in Europe with our new plant. We have all the design, mold making, prototype and serial production skills our Turkish Plant has.
Česká republika, Valašské Meziříčí
We offer more than 20 years of experience in development and production of dedicated test and measurement systems – ATE solutions for semiconductor devices for various kinds of industrial sectors such as: semiconductor, automotive, aerospace, consumer, home appliances, telecom, defense, medical. We offer universal component testers for incoming inspections, high speed testers for mass production...
Česká republika, Prague
CRAC, spol. s r.o. is engineering company operating in Czech Republic and central Europe since 1992. Company provides engineering, designing, supply and instalation of Clean Rooms for pharmaceutical, chemical, electronical, food, aerospace and automotive industry.
Česká republika, Praha
...DevCom Ltd. was established in 1999 by engineers from Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). The company entered the market with an intention to develop and manufacture devices for automotive (OBD, E-OBD Diagnostics HW/SW, CANBUS testing) and aviation (analog/digital converters) industries.After a few successful years the company decided to diversify its development and manufacturing...
Česká republika, Jiříkov
We offer a complex processing of metals - CNC laser cutting, CNC bending, welding (steel, aluminium, stainless steel), metal grinding, shot blasting, wet painting and assembly operations. We have rich experience with producing of stoves, with producing for the automotive industry, with producing of precision constructions, with processing of aluminum and stainless steel, etc.We offer production on the basis outsourcing - we produce a complete product to you based on your specifications or drawings.
Česká republika, Dolni Cetno
...B&Bartoni, spol. s r.o. makes design and produces consumables both for the hand and machine systems for welding (MIG/MAG) and cutting (OXY-FUEL, PLASMA, LASER) of the metals. Our products can be used in all branches of light and heavy industry, for example: automotive, power industry, transport and construction machinery, steel constructions, shipyards, etc. We offer consumables of highest quality for different sources of plasma cutting, such as HYPERTHERM, ESAB, KJELLBERG, CEBORA, AJAN, SAF, THERMAL DYNAMICS ...
Česká republika, Svitavy
... construction, geotextiles, horticulture, home and garden - nonwoven textiles for industrial filtration - air, liquid and sorption filtration media - insulation textiles for automotive industry - furniture and bedding ...
Česká republika, Hulín
Modikov was established in 1998 as ltd. Our main production program is metal machining and all related activities. Over a decade we offer wide range of services to customers with very diversified fields of activities as machine tool production or automotive, packing and arm industry. This diversity helped us to gain valuable experiences, which we have fully adjusted to fulfill our customer’s...
Česká republika, Uherské Hradiste
... applications. The company is processing various types of materials such as steel, stainless steel, aluminium and copper alloys, plastics, titanium, etc. We focus on small and medium-sized production series and prefer complex and technologically advanced high-precision products. Most of our products are used in sectors such as in telecommunications, vacuum systems, aerospace and automotive industries, hydraulic systems, pneumatic and electrical tools, etc. Approximately 30% of our products are being exported to western European countries (Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom).
Česká republika, Krnov
ITF sro is an Italian owned and operated ISO 9001 certified Czech company located in the municipality of Krnov in the north-eastern part of the Czech Republic on the border with Poland. Thanks to the many years of experience acquired by the owners in the automotive and industrial sector, ITF sro has specialized in the production of turned quality metal parts and small parts according to customer...
Česká republika, Pečky
...compressors and power generators and so on. We can provide: Rotation and Non-rotational milling; Machining of rotational pieces; Gearing production; External grinding of rotational pieces; Metal sheet processing; Surface treatment, heat treatment. Furthermore, we weld parts made of aluminium, magnesium and structural steels. The magnesium alloy foundry has a capacity of 100 tons of cast material per year for the a automotive and aircraft industry, electrical and pneumatic tools. The assortment includes e.g. car wheel discs, engine block castings, gearbox block castings, castings for drilling machine...
Španělsko, Alicante
PCEX AUTOMOTIVE je španělská společnost zaměřená na mezinárodní velkoobchod s originálními náhradními díly. V současnosti působíme v Evropě, Africe a na Středním východě, přičemž se silně zaměřujeme na trhy s vysokými překážkami. Spolupracujeme s nejvýznamnějšími značkami originálních automobilových dílů. Pro více informací navštivte www.pcexautomotive.com...
Česká republika, Liberec 7
...CNC TVAR Ltd was based in 2007 with a goal to offer High Precision Machining. The Company has undergone dynamic development and these days offers complete services in many areas of CNC Machining as hydro, moulds production, automotive, aircrafts components and others.In addition to the basic production CNC TVAR provides for higher Customer's Comfort other services from purchase of material...
Česká republika, Ceske Budejovice
... supported by a design services as well as component sourcing. Auspi can provide its customer with unique combination of asian production and local market support as well as some specific customer oriented logistics programmes, reducing the value of stocks and assuring product availability at all times. All the activies comply with ISO 9001 and TS16949 certification as well as UL certification is available. Full knowledge of PPAP standards and other automotive requirements made Auspi a favourite supplier into automotive oriented CEM´s.
Česká republika, Děčín
... company with more than 20 years of experience in the production of a wide range of an industrial chemistry, cosmetics as well as drugstore products. Production of epoxy resins, surfactants, degreasers, chemical specialties and other products for chemical, engineering, paper, textile and automotive industry. Production of drugstore, washing and cleaning agents.
Česká republika, Pisek
We design and manufacture electric motors since 1993. During our above-average growth, we have delivered millions of motors and parts across various industries and applications such as personal care, health care, cleaning and kitchen equipment, smart home, models and toys, automation and commercial appliances and automotive industry. Our portfolio covers standard and customized BLDC motors...
Česká republika, Zirovnice
... automotive industry. Currently, we are dealing with surface treatments such as magnetic sputtering, metallization - evaporation and sublimation. Our company is equipped with our own tool shop that specializes in mould/tool production or tool maintaining for our needs or for our customer requirements.
... Engineering Automotive Construction Industry and Trade Limited pokračuje naše společnost na své cestě s vizí založenou na principu důvěry a spokojenosti zákazníků ve svých aktivitách doma i v zahraničí a s vysokou citlivostí na základní životně důležité skutečnosti, jako jsou životní prostředí, zdraví a CS Engine Test. Ujistěte se, že zdraví motoru vašeho vlastního vozidla nebo použitého vozidla, které...
Portfolio (2)
Ismet Kazcioglu Automotive Ltd. se nachází v Simavě v Turecku a vyrábí v uzavřené oblasti o rozloze přes 12 500 m². Ismet Kazcioglu Automotive Ltd. se specializuje na řízení zemědělských a těžkých strojů (koncové tyče, axiální klouby a montáže tyčí), studeně tvarované díly, výrobu trubek a hadic pro místní i globální zákazníky. Jsme oceněni certifikací IATF 16949:2016 a ISO 9001:2008.
Portfolio (10)
... vlastní produktovou řadu. Používané sektory / Which sectors used Automobilový průmysl / Automotive Obranný průmysl / Defense Industry Nábytek / Furniture Elektrika & Elektronika / Electric & Electronic Železo & Ocel / Iron & Steel Průmysl barev / Paint Industry Bílá technika / Home Electronics Klimatizace / Air conditioning Stavebnictví / Construction...
Portfolio (2)
ARLI Automotive vyrábí setrvačníky, ozubená kola a tlakové desky spojky převážně pro užitková vozidla a vyváží své produkty předním aftermarketovým společnostem na světě, zejména v Evropě. Díly spojky pro nákladní automobily, autobusy, návěsy a těžká vozidla různých značek a modelů lze nalézt v jeho výrobním sortimentu. Kvalita byla vždy jeho nejvyšší prioritou, přičemž nabízí nejrozumnější ceny...
Portfolio (4)
Jako inovativní středně velká společnost vyrábíme na třech místech s přibližně 1 000 zaměstnanci nejmodernější hliníkové odlitky. Díky tomu jsou automobily ekologičtější, efektivnější a modernější. Společně s našimi zákazníky vyvíjíme optimálně sladěná řešení a komponenty: od slitin kovů přes vývoj a konstrukci speciálních nástrojů až po montáž kompletních sestav. Ať už se jedná o převodovku, podv...
Itálie, Pozzuolo Martesana
AVEL je firma specializovaná na výrobu cívek pro elektromagnetické ventily určené pro průmyslové aplikace, se zvláštním zaměřením na oblasti: pneumatika, hydraulika, zdravotnická technika, vending, spotřebiče, plyn, automotive. Dále se zabýváme vstřikováním plastů technických produktů a kompozitů. Jsme známí svou přesností dodávek a rozhodně konkurenceschopnými cenami našich produktů. Naše...
Spojené království, Mirfield
... exportu. Mirfield Automotive Spares je nyní britská firma třetí generace, která exportuje více než 100 značek po celém světě. Značky jako AWD Bedford BMC CAT Cummins DAF Detroit Eaton ERF Foden Ford Gardner Hino Isuzu Iveco Leyland MAN Mercedes Mitsubishi Nissan Perkins Renault Rolls Royce Toyota Scania Voith Vovlo ZF Naše různé oddělení jsou vždy k dispozici, aby se zabývala vašimi dotazy. Doprava může být zajištěna ve všech formách dopravy, ať už se jedná o balík, paletované zboží, RORO nebo kontejnerové náklady. Jsme tu, abychom splnili vaše potřeby jako komplexní řešení!

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